SACRAMENTO VALLEY SPARK PROJECT/GRANT AFTER ACTION REPORT“Playa Academy 2022” Proposals/Grants must provide support and/or perform activities that promote the arts, self-expression and create positive social change. | |||
PROJECT LEAD NAME(S): Jacque Weimer, Fon Jadhl | |||
PROJECT TYPE: Multi-day series of workshops & camping PROJECT TITLE: Playa Academy Makers Campout, aka Playa Academy, is a weekend burner campout with a focus on hosted playa skill-building workshops. Attendees sign up for classes at the time of registration. Most classes offered are free or very low cost, however some charge a fee to recover materials. In addition to structured talks and classes, the weekend offers plenty of chill time to connect with other burners. The 2022 event relaunched the SVS event first held in 2019. The event is organized by a strong committee with a blend of community members and SVS board members. It’s been held at Jovia Pond, a small private water ski park in Salano County, at no cost to the organizers. The event is in the spirit of Burning Man but is not directly affiliated with the Burning Man Project. | |||
PROJECT EXECUTION NARRATIVE: The 2022 event drew 106 registrants. Adult tickets sold for $60, volunteers paid $40, youth tickets were $30 and small kids were free. About 40 percent of attendees either taught a class or volunteered at the event. Gross revenue for the event was $7199, with the net proceeds for the organization $5400. Link to profit/loss statement Class offerings was generated by community volunteers. There were 36 class slots over the three-day weekend with some class offerings repeating. Most classes had six to 12 signups. Link to 2022 Class Catalog Attendees camped in tents and RVs around the one-mile finger-shaped water-ski lake. Campers fed themself with the exception of a Saturday potluck dinner. Music and other communal activity in a covered boat barn at night. Link to 2022 map |

PROJECT LESSONS LEARNED: In this section, list any difficulties or problems experienced, how they were mitigated, worked around, or how the project/art piece was adjusted to come to a solution. This section will help SVS with their best practices documentation. We are continuing to refine our sign-up process and continue to learn better ways to get people to the classes they signed up for. While we understand people’s desire to hang out with other burners, we seek to maintain the unique learning-focused nature of our event by reducing obstacles to attendees actually making it to classes. We will be experimenting with new tools and are seeking a large sound chime to alert people when new classes are set to begin. |
Playa Academy Group Photos by Matt Heinz