In 2019, Sacramento Valley Spark was awarded a microgrant from Burners Without Borders and embarked on a broad strategy to develop city-wide trash collection challenges around the globe to make our community streets, parks and beaches cleaner. The project is designed to bring together non-profit groups, students, government leaders, and supporters to take small steps towards a sustainable future by embracing the value of ‘Leave No Trace’ to minimize our impact when outdoors.
What Is MOOP?
Coined by the Burning Man Project, and further extending the ‘Leave No Trace’ motto, MOOP is an acronym for “Matter Out of Place”, a convenient way of referring to anything that is not originally of the land on which we live and play.
Why is It Important?
Americans alone generate a whopping 250 million-plus tons of garbage every year, and an untold portion of it ends up on our streets and in our parks and waterways. This is a major factor in the alarming rise of microplastics in far corners of our planet; an estimated 80 percent of marine debris started as land-based trash.
If we are to stem a global tide of trash and save our wildlife, it needs to become socially acceptable — indeed, socially urgent — to pick up MOOP whenever and wherever you see it, no matter who dropped it.
Event Details for August 29, 2020
On the playa, burners do an amazing job working collectively to Leave No Trace. Litter in the default world is another story. On August 29, 2020 we’re inviting people from around the globe to join with us in a trash challenge in hopes of collecting over 1,800 lbs of trash from the environment. By signing up, we can track our impact and celebrate collectively.
- Is there a size limit for team? Yes, teams are limited to 12 people. Limiting your contact with other participants reduces your potential exposure to the Covid19 virus.
- Is there a time limit? Most teams will choose to spend an hour or two of their morning mopping. You can moop longer or later, but we’d rather see teams have fun, rather than making it a chore. Moop early and often.
- What do we do? Pick a safe location, wear protection, be safe. Trash should be placed in thick plastic bags for disposal. Take plenty of pictures before, during and after. For bonus points, weight your haul on a bathroom scale and submit the weight along with photos. Don’t forget to share photos to social media using the hashtag #moopyourcity
- What to wear? Wear close-toed shoes and whatever else you want. We encourage “radical self-expression” to some that means costumes, for others its a more unrestrained you.
‘Mooping’ in Action

Don’t Forget to Share the Event!
Share your team’s efforts in this global challenge using the hashtag #MoopYourCity or invite friends to participate and spread the joy of ‘mooping’!