
It Takes a Village: Volunteer Opportunities with Sacramento Valley Spark

It Takes a Village: Volunteer Opportunities with Sacramento Valley Spark As the preparation begins for our 5th year of planning activities and events for the community, the Sacramento Valley Spark volunteer coordinators find ourselves surrounded by to-do lists, timelines, schedules, agendas and rosters.  It’s a chaotic time, but one that gives great satisfaction in rallying Read more about It Takes a Village: Volunteer Opportunities with Sacramento Valley Spark[…]

Community ALL CALL and Town Hall!

Growth and learning.  Since 2012 Sacramento Valley Spark has had over 20 members step up to the challenge and reward, of serving the community as a board member.  Each year the board has faced unique hurdles and has achieved amazing accomplishments; 2015 was no different.  Each lesson learned is an opportunity to do things differently Read more about Community ALL CALL and Town Hall![…]